Thursday, March 13, 2014

Learn How Too Love

          If you like some one tell them, It is what I do. Is is not perfect I have been turned down a lot. But on the 
other hand, I had the most amazing days ever!!!

          I even kissed the girl,the girl they write stories about.No that book is closed now, and yes we have both moved on to bigger and better things. But I still am happy because for one moment in time, the world stopped and time froze. You would think a storm was coming, the way are hearts were beating.

         For that one moment in time I knew absolutely nothing but had everything, I ever could need. HAHA, it is fun to think about but never the less, you like who you like for some strange reason or another so tell'em.

Who knows this is not magic, and finding a person to walk with you is not a chance thing, "it takes work!!!" Even if it fails as long as you learn something, it was a good experience.

          "Or maybe you will find the one,not the forever ever one, but the one who you're heart is worth breaking for."
                   No, not the most happy experience, but at least you know you are on the right track.